East Windsor, NJ– Sabinsa Cosmetics, a division of the Sami Labs – Sabinsa Group, has been granted two new patents on cosmetic compositions involving sunscreen lotions and hair growth formulations – one in the U.S. and the other in the E.U.

United States patent US 9498423 describes a synergistic composition comprising  β – glucogallin (1-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose) or β – glucogallin and total gallates from Amla (Saberry ®), concentrate of liquid endosperm ofCocos nucifera (Cococin®) and the selenopeptides (γ-L-glutamyl-Se-methyl-L-selenocysteine, and γ-L-glutamyl- L-selenomethionine) for maintaining the morphology and numbers of the dermal papilla cells when exposed to stress signals.

The composition protects the dermal papilla cells from stress signals (UVB radiation), and the numbers of live dermal papilla cells are maintained at a level of 95% or more when the dermal papilla cells are exposed to UVB radiation levels ranging from 0.8 J/cmto 1.0 J/cm2.  This composition has also been patented in Europe (EP2695603), Japan (JP6064274), New Zealand (NZ600307) and Russia (RU2606752).

Sabinsa’s cosmetic division has also received a patent in Europe (EP2461786) for a composition comprising β – glucogallin (1-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose) Amla (Saberry ®) and concentrate of liquid endosperm ofCocos nucifera (Cococin®) for promoting hair growth.

This composition also protects dermal papilla cells from UV rays.  The invention has previously been granted a patent in in Australia (AU2010326651).

(Published on Whole Foods Online, 7/31/17)