WholeFoods Magazine

Survey: 84% of Americans Say Their Health is a Work in Progress

September 21, 2021
Image ID: Long vertical infographic labeled "Changing Health Priorities in the Wake of the Pandemic." Below the title is a graphic of three windows side-by-side, displaying, in order, a person reading while wearing headphones; a person doing yoga; and a person holding a child in the air. Below that is the statistic "82% of respondents globally agree their health is a 'work in progress'". Below that is a graphic of an adult and child doing yoga. Below that is the statement "The average respondent is currently working to break three unhealthy habits. These include..." Below that is a line graph showing the statistics: Eating an unbalanced diet: 54%; Not exercising regularly: 51%; Not getting an adequate amount of sleep; 44%. Below that is the statement "For the 89% currently taking steps to improve their health. What benefits are they feeling?" Below that is a chart containing five statements, each one next to a global stat and a U.S. stat. They are as follows: "Can run or exercise longer without feeling winded"--56% Global, 32% U.S.; "Have more energy throughout the day"--53%, 27%; "Have fewer cravings for sugar/sweets"--48%, 29%; "Gone down a size/a notch on my belt"--48%, 29%; "Feel stronger/more in shape"--47%, 21%. Below that are the statements: "One step respondents are taking to support their health is incorporating vitamins and supplements into their routine," "and 77% would like to know more about the health benefits of different vitamins and supplements." Following this is the statement: "Of those who currently take vitamins or supplements, results revealed the average respondent spends about $286 every year." Below that are the logos of Herbalife Nutrition and Council for Responsible Nutrition. Below those, in small print, is the statement: "Survey conducted by OnePoll for Herbalife Nutrition and the Council for Responsible Nnutrition from July 21-Aug 9, 2021, with a sample of 13,000 respondents from 24 different countries." End ID.Washington, D.C.—Eight in 10 Americans believe that their health is a “work in progress,” and many have been taking steps to improve their lifestyle, according to a press release from the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) and Herbalife.

“Be it exercising, healthy cooking or including more vitamins and supplements to your routine, for many, the pandemic has provided an opportunity to improve health habits overall,” said Dr. Kent Bradley, Chief Health and Nutrition Officer, Herbalife Nutrition, in the press release. “Consistency is key when one commits to a healthy lifestyle.”

This statistic comes from a new survey of 13,000 people in 24 countries, 2,000 of which are from the U.S.—a survey that found that 82% of people globally felt the same way, and that 89% of respondents are taking steps to improve their health.

The survey found that these steps are making a difference: 56% of global respondents can now run or exercise longer without feeling winded, and 48% have gone down a size or a belt notch—compared to 32% of Americans who can exercise longer without feeling winded, and 29% who have gone down a size or a belt notch. In terms of energy, 53% of global respondents have more energy throughout the day, compared to 29% of U.S. respondents.

The steps respondents are taking include exercising more, eating healthier foods, downloading a fitness app, taking walks during their lunch break, and taking vitamins or supplements.

Looking more closely at supplements, the survey found that the average global respondent spends about $286 annually on supplements, while Americans spend around $304 annually. While many plan to incorporate more supplements into their diet, only 69% said they felt knowledgeable about the health benefits supplements can offer—and when it comes to becoming more knowledgeable, 30% said they were most likely to get info from internet searches, media, and social media, and 27% said they would consult with their doctor.  However, 77% would like to know more about the nutritional benefits of different supplements.

“Being well informed about the proper use, as well as benefits of nutritional supplements is critical as supplements can enhance every wellness journey,” said Brian Wommack, SVP, CRN, in the press release.