A new studylooked at the antioxidant effects of Hydroxytyrosol, a phenol found in olive leaves, and vitamin E on pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and found that it had potential as a treatment.

The trial was randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled. Results were assessed by improvement of oxidative-stress parameters and liver ultrasound.

The trial was performed on 70 patients. For four months, half received an oral dose of Hydroxytyrosol and vitamin E, and the other half received a placebo.

Patients in the treatment arm showed a decrease in insulin-resistance, triglyceride levels, oxidative-stress parameters and steatosis grade.

The researchers concluded that the use of the two natural molecules that may have antioxidant effects could prove a promising strategy for improving NAFLD-related liver damage in children.

Source: Prof. Valerio Nobili, Dr. Anna Alisi, Dr. Antonella Mosca, Dr. Annalisa Crudele, Dr. Salvatore Zaffina, Dr. Marcella denaro, Dr. antonella Smeriglio, and Dr. Domenico trombetta. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. http://doi.org/10.1089/ars.2018.7704