Lakewood, CO—Natural Grocers is teaming up with Beyond Pesticides for their 5th annual Ladybug LoveSM campaign. Throughout April, customers are encourages to join Natural Grocers in supporting pesticide-free management practices for parks and playgrounds. The campaign will also include Earth Day discounts, sweepstakes, education, and more.
Ladybugs are important to the ecosystem, supporting the food supply, yet over the past three decades, insect populations have decreased by more than 75%. Beyond Pesticides aims to provide the critters with a healthy and safe environment in which to thrive.
Natural Grocers is asking people to take or renew the Ladybug Love Pledge at
To support the campaign, customers are encouraged to sign up online to renew or take a pledge committing to not using harmful pesticides at home, in the yard and garden, and to support 100% organic products.
Natural Grocers is aiming to raise $250,000 in April, which will go towards the Organic Parks Project with Beyond Pesticides. Among the fundraising opportunities planned:
Natural Grocers will donate $1.00 to Beyond Pesticides for every Ladybug Love pledge signed, whether it's a first-time signer or a renewed pledge, from April 1 – 30.
For every Ladybug Zip Pouch sold, Natural Grocers will donate $2 to Beyond Pesticides.
Customers will have the opportunity to make contributions to Beyond Pesticides ($1, $5 or $10) upon checkout at any one of Natural Grocers' 161 store locations nationwide.
{N}power members who made or renewed their pledge from April 1–15 also receive $5 off their purchase on Earth Day, April 22.
{N}power members will receive a free limited-edition Ladybug Love reusable bag and free sticker with purchase April 22–24.
From April 22-24 customers will receive 49% off items that Natural Grocers says reflect its commitment to sustainable and environmentally conscious practices, such as Lotus reusable produce bags, Cascadian Farms Organic Cereals, Natural Grocers Brand cleaning products, Endangered Species Chocolate, and more.
For more on the giveaways and sweepstakes, which include a change to win a $500 Natural Grocers gift card, score free products, and more, visit
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.