Washington, D.C.—The Natural Products Association (NPA) members that were part of the former West and Rocky Mountain regions will now be affiliate with one of three newly organized regions: Northwest, Southwest and Midwest. These groups—which expanded the number of states they work with—work along side the East and Southeast affiliates.

The goal of the regional affiliates is to keep an eye on local issues (particularly legislation) that could affect the states they represent and are responsible for advocacy efforts.

Two states, California and Hawaii, will not be affiliated with a regional office and will instead be monitored by the main NPA office, here. According to NPA, the reason is that its large marketplace and often-strict state laws could affect federal regulatory practices, making it prudent for the national offices to pay “special attention” to what goes on here.


Published in WholeFoods Magazine, January 2011 (online 11/24/10)