Wainer Finest Communications (WholeFoods Magazine) respects your privacy. Advertising and Sponsorships keep WholeFoods Magazine, WholeFoodsMagazine.com, NaturalProductFInder.com, and NaturallyInformed.net free of charge. We work hard to make sure that ads are safe and relevant. Please read the following information about our policies for use of any of your personal information
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You deserve to know how we collect and use the data you provide to us, and that’s what we are providing to you on this page. This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the WholeFoods Magazine website or sister sites Natural Product Finder and NaturallyInformed.net. This notice was updated in May 2018 to reflect GDPR compliance standards.
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WholeFoods Magazine dba Wainer Finest Communication, Inc.
51 Cragwood Rd., Ste. 100
South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Tel. (908) 769-1160
NOTE: WholeFoods Magazine is a business-to-business publication. Information on this site should not be considered medical advice or a way to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. Always seek the advice of a medical professional before making lifestyle changes, including taking a dietary supplement. The opinions expressed by contributors and experts quoted in articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors of WholeFoods.