I just finished reading the February editorial (“Celebrating #30,” p. 4) and wanted to tell you how moved I am. You have captured the essence of WholeFoods Magazine, and told us what that is, for most including me, probably for the first time. Thank you for your eloquent words.

Jay Jacobowitz, president/founder
Retail Insights
Brattleboro, VT


I just wanted to send a quick note to tell you how much I enjoyed the 30th Anniversary Issue! Great story about how the publication developed over time and all the important steps taken by Howard Wainer (“Howard Wainer: The Man behind the Magazine,” February 2014, p. 44). I loved reading about the commitment to quality content and the people involved in making that happen for you. Congrats.

Pierce S. Sioussat, president and CEO
Bioforce USA
Ghent, NY


The February 30th Anniversary WholeFoods Magazine is a not only a milestone for the magazine, but also for the industry at large. Year after year and issue after issue, Howard, Heather and the entire staff exemplify through their magazine what readers are looking for, from the latest trends to the most useful news, all well written. Nicely done, folks. Congratulations.

Shaheen Majeed, marketing director
Sabinsa Corp.
East Windsor, NJ


It can’t be, you’ve had the magazine for 30 years? Howie, you and Heather have kept your feet moving all this time and it shows. It’s a valuable, helpful, informative, beautiful book and the web presence gets better every year. You have helped us keep our feet moving. Our industry is way better, way stronger and way smarter because of WholeFoods and the Wainer family. I, too, ­­­am much smarter. Thanks to you, Howie.

Keith Prochnow
National Sales Manager,
Herbs, Etc. Inc.
Prochnow Natural Products Services Corp.


Happy 30th anniversary to WholeFoods Magazine! That was a lovely story about Howard Wainer and his hard work and contributions to our industry (“Howard Wainer: The Man behind the Magazine,” February 2014, p. 44). Our small company may not have become the category leader it is today without Mr. Wainer’s support when Mike Shirota and Tomoko Nakamura started this company (then Maitake Products, Inc.) in 1991. We truly appreciate all Mr. Wainer did to educate the industry about mushrooms, especially since we were the only “mushroom” guys on the block and it was such a new category for the U.S. market. Please give him MWI’s heartfelt appreciation and best wishes as we look forward to continued education from the best trade magazine ever!

Donna Noonan, president
Mushroom Wisdom, Inc.
East Rutherford, NJ


Thank you for your March pet care story (“They Rely On Us"). One of our taste testers cannot put the article down.

Queny Villanueva,
founder and owner
Savvy Beast Treats
Bloomville, NY






Published in WholeFoods Magazine, April 2014