Santa Fe Springs, NM—Two new studies are of interest to menopause-support supplement makers and skincare companies. The pair of trials was completed using a branded ingredient (EstroG-100, from Helios Corp.).
The first trial involved 20 women taking the ingredient for a month (517 mg daily). Researchers wanted to see how quickly women saw benefits. According to the supplier, about half the women had improvement in menopause symptoms within a week. Such symptoms included hot flashes, vaginal dryness and fatigue. After the month passed, 80% of the women felt improvements in these areas.
The other study also involved EstroG-100 (517 mg daily), but for a different application. For six weeks, 30 women either received the extract alone, a topical facial product (a phytosoap and moisturizer with dewplex extract) alone or both products. The women’s skin was analyzed for wrinkles, moisture, tone and blushing. According to the supplier, each of these elements were improved (50% over baseline) in the group that used both products.
Published in WholeFoods Magazine, April 2012