Toms River, NJ—A bone health ingredient has shown promise for reducing osteoarthritis symptoms in a new study published in Integrative Medicine.

The trial involved 87 individuals who were older than 55 and had been diagnosed with moderate to severe osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. Individuals took a protein complex with bone morphogenic protein (150 mg of Cyplexinol Nature’s BMP complex from ZyCal Bioceuticals, based here) or a placebo for three months. Participants answered questions about their joint pain, joint stiffness and quality of life using the WOMAC Index. Overall, the supplement was linked to a “significant decrease in pain and stiffness” and an improvement in quality of life after the sixth week, while the placebo did not have any of these effects. About 7% of the placebo group experienced a decrease in quality of life.

The researchers believe the ingredient helped osteoarthritis-affected joints by activating cells that stimulate proteoglycan synthesis and repair.


Published in WholeFoods Magazine, August 2013 (online 7/2/13)