What makes Emerald Laboratories® CoEnzymated Multi Vit-A-Mins and B-Healthy so unique?

B-12 as methylcobalamin, B-2 as R5P, B-6 as P5P and natural folate in its preconverted, readily absorbable, CoEnzymated L-5 methyl tetrahydrofolate form.

1. 677CT Variation: 71% of normal conversion. 2. 677TT Variation: 34% of normal conversion.

Without this form, those who suffer from one of these two common MTHFR gene defects face the following serious health risk factors:
1. Pregnant individuals are at twice the risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect.
2. Significantly higher homocysteine levels, a known risk for premature heart attack and stroke as well as the development of Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
3. Greater risk for depression, migraines, brain fog. Those with 677TT Variation have a 69% greater risk of depression and 35% higher risk of schizophrenia.
“CoEnzymated B Complex formulas such as B Healthy are essential for proper cellular function. My patients notice the results immediately.”—Dr. Mark Stengler, N.M.D.
Plus, the following superior forms of nutrients in all 16 Multi Vit-A-Min formulas.
•Pureway C®—GMO free, water and fat soluble, 12-hour retention time (vs. four-hour retention of standard vitamin C).
•Sunflower-Based Vitamin E—Soy free and GMO free.
•Setria® L-Glutathione—ALL Men’s 45+ & Women’s 45+ formulas.
Conventional oral glutathione breaks apart into the three separate amino acids (L-Glycine, Cysteine and Glutamic Acid) upon contact with stomach acid making it unable to be absorbed as L-Glutathione. Setria’s® proprietary process maintains its integrity and bioavailability for clinically proven “Guaranteed Absorption.”
Setria® L-Glutathione is liver protective and plays a crucial role in the breakdown and removal of environmental toxins and excess hormones. This “Master Antioxidant” offers free-radical protection and recharges vitamins C, E and CoQ10.
“I recommend this form of glutathione to my patients since it has the research to demonstrate it increases blood and saliva levels and improves immune markers.” – Dr. Mark Stengler, N.M.D. |
•Soy-Free K1 and K2 (MK-4 and MK-7)to stimulate osteocalcin and promote the uptake of calcium in the bone so that it is not deposited as plaque in the arteries.
•All-Natural, Full-Spectrum Carotenoids, Tocopherols and Tocotrienolsincluding all eight of the alpha, beta, gama and delta isomers, PLUS beta carotene, lutein and lycopene.
•CoQ10for powerful cardiovascular support.
•European Grapeseed Extract standardized on ProanthocyanidinsPremium European extracts follow the pharmaceutical standards of the original German monographs for quality of production, including ONLY Class 1 (food-grade) solvents and extensive pesticide testing; acts synergistically to help the retention time of vitamin C in the bloodstream.
•Alpha Lipoic Acid water and fat soluble vascular support nutrient which also recycles Vitamin C and E, multiplying their benefits by 2-3 times.

800-436-4366 • www.ultralaboratories.com Emerald Laboratories is a trademark of Ultra Laboratories

Published in WholeFoods Magazine March 2016