Addresses the Root Cause, Not Just the SymptomsON YOUR GAME is the first and only joint product to address the root cause of joint problems, not just “mask” the symptoms. The amount of joint discomfort you experience depends on the condition of your cartilage (nature’s bite-guard for joints). Damaged cartilage releases “cartilage fragments” that “lodge” into joints, causing extreme discomfort, loss of flexibility and diminished range of motion. Cartilage can become damaged directly due to injury and age, or indirectly through damage to tendons and ligaments.

Clinically Proven in Double-Blind,Placebo-Controlled TrialsON YOUR GAME’s ch-OSA has been proven in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Results were measured using the official WOMAC Index, the same protocol used by pharmaceutical companies testing arthritis drugs. All results were statistically significant.
Clinical Trial Results (1)* • Reduced pain 26%† • Reduced stiffness 35%† • Improved physical function 25%† Change measured for baseline reading—first 12 months†
* Results may vary

Whole-Joint Health: Cartilage • Tendons • LigamentsON YOUR GAME addresses the whole joint, not just one part. Joints, of course, are the points where bones intersect. But a joint is not simply “a joint.” It is a team of four main components that depend on, and interact with, each other: cartilage, tendons, ligaments and muscles. With joints, you’re only as strong as your weakest link.
Cartilage “buffers” the ends of two bones, preventing friction. As you’ve learned, when cartilage becomes damaged, it releases fragments that can lodge into joints causing pain and stiffness. True, cartilage can become damaged directly due to injury or overuse, but did you know that damage to ligaments and tendons can lead to damaged cartilage as well? For example, a slight weakness in the ligament can lead to even greater stress on the tendon and cartilage. Similarly, a weakness in the tendon can lead to undue stress on the ligament, which in turn, places the cartilage under severe stress.
That’s why ON YOUR GAME was designed to help the whole joint! For cartilage, ON YOUR GAME is clinically proven to inhibit cartilage degradation and fragmentation. And for tendons and ligaments? ON YOUR GAME’s active ingredient, ch-OSA, is clinically proven to generate collagen, the main component of tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. That could explain the positive and encouraging results of the clinical trials.
Reference1. P. Geusens et al., Presentation at EULAR 2014, Annuls of Rheumatic Diseases. The EULAR Journal 2014, 73. Suppl.2.
† This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Published in WholeFoods Magazine April 2016