•The Gut-Brain Axis:Studies indicate that the gut microbiota affect brain function and

All three brains communicate with the other brains and also act independently.
Listen to Your Three BrainsIt is also important when making decisions in your life to listen to what each of the three brains is telling you: the brain is the analytical center and applies logic; the gut is the center of instinct — that “gut feeling”; the heart perceives the world through emotions and feelings — “follow your heart.” Too often in today’s world we listen only to the analytical brain. There is accumulating evidence showing that nutrients from whole foods and supplements are effective ways to help counteract neurological and cognitive disorders associated with three-brain imbalances. This is good news considering the increasing number of people being diagnosed with mental health disorders.
Key Supplements for Your Three BrainsPhosphatidylserine (PS)is an important phospholipid that can promote mood and memory ability and protect from age-related memory decline. PS also helps regulate the stress hormone cortisol.
Curcumin, the curcuminoid in turmeric with the greatest biological benefit, is a potent antioxidant and can help support a healthy inflammatory response in the three brains. Inflammation is one of the main factors in cardiovascular and intestinal disorders, as well as some mental health conditions.
Omega-3 fatty acidsare involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. They are highly concentrated in the brain and deficiencies have been linked to memory and cognitive problems. Fish oils also support a healthy inflammatory response in the three brains.
Grapeseedextract contains proanthocyanidin complexes, which are powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals. Free radicals damage DNA and cause cell degeneration and death. This contributes to aging, as well as to the development of gut disorders. Antioxidants are very important for the health of the three brains.
Probiotics.New research shows that gut bacteria influence the brain, heart and gut and imbalances are associated with a number of different disorders including cardiovascular and mental health disorders, as well as most common gut disorders. Hippocrates said in 460 BC, “All disease begins in the gut.”
Introducing 3 Brains Total™!Rather than purchasing each of the above-mentioned products, Natural Factors offers a comprehensive “kit” that includes the most essential supplements for brain health in convenient daily packets.3 Brains Totalincludes phosphatidylserine, curcumin, omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, grapeseed extract, and key probiotic strains. 3 Brains Total is the foundation for nutritional support for the three brains.
The Three Brains Influence Mental Health & IdentityThe effects of any brain disorder are devastating for the individual, as well as their loved ones. All chronic diseases cause pain and suffering in different ways, but brain disorders are the only conditions that affect the core of who a person is — the very essence of their being. Who are we if we lose our identity?
The 3 Brains™ products are very important and offer support for common mental health disorders affecting people in our world today, such as depression, insomnia, learning and cognitive problems.
The 3 Brains product line includes 3 Brains Total™ Higher Thoughts™, Mental Sunshine™, The Best-Sleep™ and Serene Mind™.
For more information on the three brains and a list of references, check out my new bookThree Brains: How the Heart, Brain, and Gut Influence Mental Health and Identity.
Dr. Jensen graduated from the Canadian College of