Enzymedicais dedicated to promoting digestive happiness and total body wellness through exceptional supplements. Founded in 1998, the brand has gained substantial recognition for its dedication to the science of enzyme blends, cutting-edge research into the human microbiome, and a no-compromise approach to product manufacturing. Since 2009, President & CEO Scott Sensenbrenner has led the Enzymedica team, helping to expand the brand to more than 30,000 retail locations worldwide, and developing a robust product portfolio that encompasses solutions for all common digestive needs, as well as additional products for wellness and therapeutic use."The right team is one of the most important aspects of a company. A mentor needs to take the extra time to hire the right person for the team."

Sensenbrenner is a natural products industry veteran with a career spanning more than 25 years, working with industry leaders in the natural health channel, including Thorne Research and Enzymatic Therapy. As Enzymedica approaches its 25th anniversary and Sensenbrenner his 13th year with the organization, he focuses on building a legacy within the industry for championing innovative ingredients and creating an engine to support causes for people and the planet that will make a difference for generations to come.
The work of Sensenbrenner and Enzymedica has paid dividends with an exceptional reputation for supplying high-quality, unique, innovative ingredients and formulations that consumers can trust, with a dedication to product safety and efficacy. Receiving over 100 consumer and retailer awards from leading trade associations, Better Nutrition, Best of Supplements, Nexty, and VITY, to name a few. Enzymedica has become a staple in the industry for digestive health consumers. Furthermore, the company has invested millions back into causes that have made a difference for countless families and the environment.
Company Highlights

Enzymedica’s core mission is to search the planet for natural solutions to support digestive health and total body wellness that represent the highest efficacy, quality, and purity without compromise. As we discover nature’s answers to good health, the company’s purpose continues via its commitment to helping educate the world so that people can make informed choices to support their journey toward good health. To ensure that this commitment is met, Enzymedica created an independent Scientific Advisory Board. This team is composed of medical experts who share the mission and purpose by offering insightful perspectives and advice, which in turn drive awareness and product innovation, supporting the science and efficacy of Enzymedica’s products and advancing its education programs.
Leadership Focus
“While working at Enzymedica, I learned that it is important to never lose sight of your core mission,” Sensenbrenner shares. “I also learned how the right team is one of the most important aspects of a company. A mentor needs to take the extra time to hire the right person for the team. My philosophy on my managerial approach drastically changed when I had the opportunity to spend time with Jim Collins, the author ofGood to Great.During my time with him, he taught me about the issue of leaders looking upon themselves as the answer to problems within the company versus putting the right people in the company to solve those issues before they become problems. We relentlessly follow his advice in that we take a bottom-up servant-style leadership approach and seek out candidates that are driven to succeed. Our managers are instilled to ensure that the team members they are managing have every resource they need to thrive instead of telling them what to do.”Focused on Research and Innovation
Philanthropy, Science, and Innovation are the driving factors that have built Enzymedica into the trusted brand it is today. Leading the market with cutting-edge intellectual property and product innovation, the company hired Ph.D. scientists who are formerly of one of the leading research institutes on the planet for brain and microbiome health. By making significant investments into building a state-of-the-art R&D lab, thereby expanding existing in-house capabilities and technologies, the team at Enzymedica can analyze the influence of enzyme supplementation on the human microbiome. This will further fuel Enzymedica’s new product innovation and advance its enzyme technology, creating efficacious natural health solutions supported by science.Bettering the Health of People & Planet 
Another aspect of Enzymedica not widely known is the
People & Planet initiative. Enzymedica supports several non-profit organizations. One of the passion projects the company is currently working on is with Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium. Sensenbrenner had the chance to sit down with Mote’s President & CEO, Dr. Michael P. Crosby, to learn more about “how urgently the oceans need help, as coral reefs die off at alarming rates.”“Hearing how we have gone down to approximately 2% of coral reef coverage in the world’s oceans is a distressing fact,” Sensenbrenner says. “We thought,How can we help?Fueled by sales of our Aqua Biome Omega 3 line, we donate $1 dollar for every bottle sold to Mote Marine. To date, with the support of Aqua Biome, Mote Marine has over 150 thousand total coral outplants located off the Florida Keys.
This is just one of many philanthropic efforts fueled by the company's mission to support people and the planet. Enzymedica works with the Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center (SPARCC), Autism Hope Alliance, Vitamin Angels, and Bless the Children, among a range of additional organizations. They also created an annual program for Enzymedica employees to have a donation made in their name, by the company, to the charity of their choice.
On a recent visit to the local SPARCC center, Sensenbrenner was meeting with the staff to see what their organization needed but did not currently have. What started out as a simple question led him to discover another organization in need, called Project Rare Bear (above). Project Rare Bear creates unique stuffed animals as gifts for people with rare diseases so that they can have a companion to encourage them in their journey of survival. Making the connection between the families at the SPARCC center and their challenging journeys, the Enzymedica team chose to gift Rare Bears to the children who come to stay at the SPARCC organization. On one visit to the center, the team witnessed first-hand the impact of such a small gift for a child in crisis.