First in the industry to offer the added value of ELI Codes to print advertisers in the Natural space, WholeFoods readers can now engage with content in a completely new way. “We are excited to be able to offer our customers and readers this new and innovative option,” says Heather Wainer, Publisher, WholeFoods Magazine. “ELI Codes are a perfect way to bring print to life, delivering the reader a wealth of valuable, targeted information. What might take multiple pages to explain, can now be linked right in the code. And with COVID-19, connecting with brands is more important than ever.”
To engage with the code, readers with smartphones can hold up their camera to the code, and an internet link will pop up. It’s as simple as that, and readers can try it right now.
WholeFoods Magazine advertiser Childlife Nutrition is utilizing ELI codes. “We are excited to utilize this technology to enhance the consumer experience in 2021,” said Karyn McCarthy, VP of Sales + Marketing at Childlife. The code will serve as a new marketing strategy for Childlife’s prospective customers and brand following.