Of course, we know what we need to do. We know how to reclaim our health. Sometimes we just need a little extra motivation, an extra nudge, a helping hand.

For me that came earlier in the spring. I was recording an episode of The Natural View with my co-host, Todd Pauli of 24 Stories Marketing, and I mentioned that I was training for a race, trying to get back on track, calm stress, and beat tiredness now that restrictions are easing. I laughed that I could use all the help I can get to avoid throwing in the towel.
As it turns out, Todd was looking for extra motivation too, so he signed on for the same race...and then we both mentioned it to a couple of industry friends, who signed on too...and now we have a group setting goals and supporting one another on the road to the Steamtown Marathon in Scranton this October.
If you know Todd, you know he thinks big and has creative vision, so he wasn’t about to stop at a small group of us on a text chain. Why stop there, when we could invite the whole industry to join in and multiply the motivation, the goals, the feel-great energy?
And so….introducing Fit For Natural, a fitness club for the natural products industry. You can check it out atwww.FitForNatural.com.As Todd explains on the site, “Time to lace up those running shoes, roll out that yoga mat and dust off your kettle bell. It’s been a long stretch of trying to keep up with fitness routines alone and at home, so we’re pulling together for a little motivation and camaraderie from industry friends old and new to help you get back out there this summer.”
I hope you’ll join us! When you go to the website, you can name your fitness goal—it can be anything that gets you moving...walking the dog everyday, tending the garden, sweating it out on that Peloton, training for a race...whatever you enjoy! Then follow along on the website and on our @FitForNatural facebook group to get (and give!) encouragement, training tips, and more. (Todd and I are both on Instagram: I’m @naturalviewrunning, and Todd is @24storiesmarketing.)
Along with all this motivation and movement, how about some info on active nutrition to help power up? We have a market update on page 22, and this is a category in demand. As Elyse Lovett, VP Marketing, Nutrition21, reports: “With the events of the last year, many consumers are finding that their energy is in short supply. Consumers are looking for solutions that can keep them energized for long periods of time as things return to normal and hectic lifestyles pick up pace again. Many have been out of practice since gyms were closed during the early part of the pandemic, but we have seen many getting back to the gym and their workout routines, especially with summer approaching. These consumers are looking for that extra boost to help them get back on track.”

Topics include:
- Peak Performance: Powering Up the Mind & Body
- Sport Nutrigenomics: Personalized Nutrition for Athletic Performance
- Gut Performance: Next-Gen Performance Boosters from the Microbiome
- Vegan Power: Plant-Based Diets and Athletic Performance
- Unmet Needs? How can Sports & Active Nutrition Better Cater to Under-Represented Groups
- Trends & Market Opportunities
- Nutrition Myth Busting in the Era of Fake News
Maggie Jaqua Content Director