Beth Lambert, CEO, left a successful career on Wall Street to focus on sustainable agriculture issues, and joined H&A as David’s business partner in 1995. In addition to running the company, she is a graduate of David’s herbal studies programs and has been on the American Herbal Products Association board for over 20 years.
David Winston brings his decades of experience to the development of Herbalist & Alchemist’s unique, practitioner-quality formulas. Our extensive line of adaptogens are formulated for specific needs, including Men’s Adapt™, Women’s Adapt™, Immune Adapt™, Daily Adapt™, and Energy Adapt™. These formulas are phenomenally effective—David literally wrote the book on adaptogens (Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Release, second edition, Healing Arts Press).
While formulas addressing health conditions are common, those developed for mental and emotional conditions are less so, yet can be profoundly helpful. Grief Relief™, Emotional Relief™, Calm Adapt™, Tension Relief™ and Serenity Compound™ are examples of this distinctive category.
Our products are made using our BIO-SPECIFIC™process, which is based on knowledge of the chemistry, character and energetics of each plant gained from traditional wisdom. This knowledge is combined and balanced with leading modern research and decades of clinical experience.

Our BIO-SPECIFIC™ extractions define the manufacturing process. Since some herbs like Skullcap, Echinacea and Cleavers lose activity upon drying, we always extract these fresh. Conversely, the dried forms of many bitter, pungent or acrid herbs produce a more energetically vibrant extract. Certain herbs such as Astragalus need to be simmered in water before alcohol is added to produce a vital extract. These formulation decisions are an integral part of assuring a superior extract.
Setting H&A apart, our unique Spagyric Alchemical process produces the finest full spectrum extract available. Plant residue is reduced to ash, concentrating essential minerals that are rejoined with the extract, creating a product that truly contains all of the plant’s nutrients.
We use Certified Organic, USP Pharmaceutical Grade Alcohol in our herbal extracts, never industrial solvents such as hexane or benzene often used to extract standardized herbal preparations.
Our Quality Control Department is involved in every step of our process, from working with David to set raw material specifications, to completing detailed in-process control steps and testing finished products.
As an additional safety check, third party testing is done on all of our extracts to screen for heavy metals, aflatoxins, and microbiological pathogens.
Our dedicated staff and sales team work hard to produce and represent our high-quality products. Many have been with us for over 20 years and the majority are trained herbalists, having completed or are currently enrolled in David Winston’s two-year herbalist training class. This high level of formal herbalist training is very unusual for an herbal products manufacturer.
We are committed to providing education and information about the health benefits and uses of herbal medicine. Our wholesale customers are invited to join the free monthly online Herbal Salons that David hosts to expand herbal knowledge.
We were the first herbal supplements company to become a Certified B Corporation™ in 2010. Certified B Corporations™ meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.
Contact Information
51 South Wandling Ave. Washington, NJ 07882 Telephone: (908)689-9020 fax: (908)689-9071 E-mail:herbalist@herbalist-alchemist.comWebsite:www.herbalist-alchemist.com/Year Founded: 1982 Twitter:twitter.com/herbalchemistFacebook:www.facebook.com/herbalistandalchemist/Instagram:www.instagram.com/herbalist_alchemist_inc/Key PersonnelDavid Winston RH(AHG), Founder and President Beth Lambert, CEO Alice Masotes, National Sales Manager
Content paid for and provided by Herbalist & Alchemist.