Haddonfield, NJ—Cheers to Reviva Labs on 50 years! The company was founded by Stephen Strassler in 1973, and in those early days Stephen and his wife, Judith (Judy) Strassler developed skincare formulas in their kitchen. The goal, which has continued at Reviva's headquarters for the past 40 years: to create affordable, effective skincare.

Reviva Labs products combine cutting-edge cosmeceuticals with natural ingredients to deliver skincare products that positively affect and improve people’s lives, the company says. And, inspired by Judy’s love of animals, Reviva has been cruelty free and animal friendly since the beginning. 

50 years of skincare excellence 

Stephen was the first licensed male aesthetician in the United States, Reviva shared. He and Judy traveled the globe in search of novel and unique skincare ideas that inspired them to create their own innovative products. From introducing European-style exfoliation to America, to presenting elastin as an ingredient to salons and consumers, to promoting hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid before they were popular skincare ingredients, the company has been at the forefront.

“At Reviva Labs, we are passionate about providing natural and effective skincare products that meet the highest standards of excellence," said Bill Levins, President of Reviva Labs. "We’ve been fortunate to be in business for 50 years, and we look forward to continuing our mission of helping people look and feel their best for decades to come. Even after the passing of Stephen in 2016 and the loss of Judy in 2020, we continue their vision and promise of safe, effective, affordable skincare.”

To celebrate 50 years, Reviva Labs is launching several promotions that will include discounts on its signature products and exclusive giveaways for customers throughout the year.