
TRENDING SPOTLIGHT: Natural Soda & Sparkling Beverages 

Functional-Foods.jpgConsumers are looking for their fizz fix. Zevia sodas, which are naturally sweetened with zero sugar, are trending in three regions: West, Midwest, and Southwest. Consumers in the West are also getting bubbly refreshment from Kevita beverages and Guru Energy Lite. And in the Northeast region, Olipop is trending, with its plant-powered sips formulated to support digestive health. 

A trend on the horizon in the beverage category: Spice is being added to sparkling waters, with products often utilizing new and interesting spice ingredients for a unique experience. That’s according to Kerry’s A World of Future Tastes report, which provides an in-depth analysis of ingredients and trends that will shape innovation in the food and beverage sector over the year ahead.