AHPA ERB Foundation Requests Grant

The American Herbal Product Association Foundation for Education and Research on Botanicals (AHPA ERB Foundation) has requested proposals to award grant funding to eligible applicants. To apply, proposals must submit their applications by January 15,2025 and include the following information: 

  • An explanation for how the project will develop new information related to one of three priority project types
  • Clear objectives the project will address using well defined and sound methodology
  • Explanation of what will be done to achieve outlined project objectives
  • Description of how tangible, measurable results will be collected and reported
  • A definition of the outreach plan with clear deliverables and realistic expectations for reaching target research beneficiaries

Priority consideration will be given to research in one of the following priority project types:

  • Type 1: Research of any specific herb or botanical commodity with regard to harvest, collection, or general supply, as well as botanical supply chain factors or trends;
  • Type 2: Research regarding applied technologies and methods of analysis, and analytical results particularly of extracts;
  • Type 3: Projects designed to identify and disseminate key botanical industry information to stakeholders and consumers.

Additional instructions on proposal content, organization, and submissions can be found here.

Pick a Lab with Alkemist Labs 

Alkemist Labs has put together a "how-to" for vetting third-party testing labs. The guide, which features sidebars from industry experts Rend Al-Mondhiry Partner, Amin Wasserman Gurnani, LLP, and Len Monheit, CEO of ITC Strategy, has gathered information on what you should consider when selecting a lab including testing requirements, legal repercussions of inadequate testing, which qualities to seek out, qualifications checklist, and the testing role of contract manufacturers versus brands. “There is a good selection of labs that offer high quality services, not only ours. Yet, for years I watched as brands struggled to evaluate labs and in some cases chose terrible labs with publicly documented quality deficiencies,” said Elan Sudberg, CEO of Alkemist Labs. The free guidance document is available for download here.

Hemp Seed Meal Gets Tentative Approval

The U.S. Hemp Roundtable  announced a victory for the hemp industry: Hemp Seed Meal (HSM) has received tentative approval for use in the diets of laying hens. This win marks a big step for the Hemp Feed Coalition (HFC) and longtime advocacy partner, Bill Bookout of the National Animal Supplements Council, and their fight for the integration of hemp products into animal feed. The safety and claims of Hemp Seed Meal as a viable protein and source of fat were confirmed by the FDA-CVM's evaluation process.

Andrew Bish, President of HFC and COO of Bish Enterprises, shared his thoughts on HSM's milestone: “Hemp’s integration into animal feed is a catalyst for agricultural advancement. It’s an opportunity for farmers to diversify with lower risk for supply chains to become more sustainable, and for the entire agricultural community to reap the benefits of this versatile crop.” With the approval, HFC will begin collaborating with feed producers to include HSM as a solid solution to their supply challenges.

Sabinsa Explores Collaborations with Universities

Multi-national health science company, Sabinsa, is looking to strengthen its connection with scientific research institutions through collaboration projections and mutually beneficial partnerships. Recently, Sabinsa Global CEO & Managing Director, Shaheen Majeed and COO, Sami-Sabinsa Group, Dr. Devaraj Reddy, met with premier institutions in the Indian State of Karnataka, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Mysore and the University of Agricultural Sciences, and Gandhi Krishi Vignam Kendra (GKVK), to discuss future joint research projects, technology transfers, and internship programs. Amongst the topics discussed were research collaborations for probiotics and synthetic chemistry, collaborative research for the development of high-quality medicinal plants with desired traits, and the associating with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO) in the region to secure the livelihood of the farmers and provide business access to high quality medicinal raw materials. "We are excited to embark on these valuable research collaborations with key academic institutes, which is particularly meaningful to me given my father’s deep commitment to this level of research,” said Majeed. 

CON-CRET Receives Sport Certification

CON-CRET Creatine HCL has earned NSF Certified for Sport certification. The global public health organization, NSF, certified Vireo Systsems' creatine HCL powders and capsules as being free from harmful ingredients and banned substances making them safe for athletes. “At CON-CRET, we are committed to providing the highest quality, third-party-tested, American-made supplements... NSF is the gold standard for supplement testing, so this certification provides another level of assurance that consumers and athletes can trust our products and feel confident that they meet or exceed industry quality and safety regulations," said Mark Faulkner, CEO of Vireo Systems. 

Earning Certified for Sport accreditation validates the U.S. based facilities that manufacture CON-CRET are Safe Quality Food (SQF) and FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified and that the product has been tested for 280 athletic banned substances, harmful levels of contaminants like lead, arsenic, and other heavy metals. 

SIRIO Chewable Gel Added to USP Monograph

Sirio Pharma (SIRIO) announced its Ubidecarenone Chewable Gels are now part of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) monograph. This marks the first time a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) based in China has contributed a dietary supplement standard to the USP and been added to the USP monograph. SIRIO began the process of working with the USP to establish documentary and reference standards to benefit the global public health back in 2021. The reference standards set by USP, including those established with the help of SIRIO, are used by regulatory bodies, industries and independent-third-party laboratories in over 150 countries to asses identity, potency, quality, and purity of dietary supplement and active pharmaceutical ingredients. “We are delighted to be recognized in a certificate of appreciation from the USP for setting the nutra quality standard for chewable ubidecarenone gels, as well as for our contribution to global public health through advancing the safety of medicines and foods. This is a significant milestone in its own right, but also, an example of our company-wide ethos to push the boundaries of formulation science, quality and innovation." shared Youyou Zhao,, Head of Global R&D Center, Sirio Pharma.

Dr. Bronner's Exhibits at Newtopia Now 2024

The Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO, will host the 2024 Newtopia Now event from August 25-28 and family-owned, natural soap manufacturer Dr. Bronner will be in attendance treating guests to its new Soap Refill Carton, sharing highlights from its Regenerative Organic Certification Magic All-One Chocolate line as well as its Pure-Castile Liquid Soap. Show attendees looking to discover more about the company's Regenerative Organic Certified products can stop by booth 3214 and try samples of the brands Regenerative Organic Certified Oat Milk Chocolate while learning about about their inclusion in the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Verified program or make it a point to attend the Growth & Demand for Regenerative Organic Certified Products panel discussion on Monday, August 26th featuring Ryan Zinn, Regenerative Projects Manager at Dr. Bronner's and others, discussing how brands can incorporate Regenerative Organic Certified ingredients and certifications into their products and supply chains.

OmniActive Kicks off Next Phase of Campaign

OmniActive Health Technologies is entering phase two of its Lutein for Every Age educational initiative. "An 'Eye' on a Healthy School Year" will be dedicated to providing families with essential wellness tips like highlighting the benefits of nutritious meals and explaining the value of incorporating effective lutein and zeaxanthing supplements. OmniActive, campaign advisors, and supplement brands will be offering downloadable resources, supplement recommendations, coupons, and other giveaways through the program. With eye and brain health ranking amongst the top health concerns for parents, OmniActive's goal is to share information on how its products can help provide support for kids through easily accessible resources and input from qualified members of the field.

"As a pediatrician and mother of three, my mission has always been to promote the health and well-being of children through an integrative approach. Joining OmniActive's initiative allows me to share new research findings and supplement recommendations to help families prioritize their children's health, leading to brighter futures," shared pediatrician Dr. Tanya Altmann, the newest member of the advisor team. 

ADM Reports on Beverage Industry

A new detailed report from ADM is shedding proprietary consumer research and market insights for the beverage industry. The report takes a look at both the functional non-alcoholic and alcoholic sectors and factors in the effects of the Gen Z purchasing power and consumers need to purchase products that align with their unique lifestyles and goals. Findings from the report include:

  • A breakdown of consumer motivations and key needs in both functional non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages.
  • A look at specific categories, including water/carbonated soft drinks (CSDs), energy drinks, sports drinks, ready-to-drink (RTD) alcoholic beverages, cocktails/mocktails and beer.
  • An examination of demographics and areas of innovation or considerations for product development, including flavor inspirations, for each category.

A full copy of the report can be found here.

Orgenetics Reformulates for Compatibility

Plant-based Magnesium ingredients, Orgen-MG and RGen-MG, have been reformulated to meet more international regulatory standards. Orgenetics has completely reformulated its plant-based whole food Magnesium to pumpkin, a more compatible botanical. Orgen-MG will now be derived from organic pumpkin while RGen-MG will come from a non-GMO pumpkin extract but both will retain the principal co-factors and co-nutrients of pumpkin. "Our reformulated Orgen-Mg and RGen-Mg are extracted from a botanical that has broader worldwide compatibility, representing a significant leap forward for our growing and globalized customer base," said Saumil Maheshvari, SVP of Business Development at Orgenetics.

The newly reformulated products will be available across global markets starting in September 2024 (RGen-MG) and early 2025 (Orgen-MG). 

Barentz Acquires Insuquim S.R.L

Global specialty ingredients solution provider, Barentz International, has acquired Insuquim S.R.L., a distributor of specialty chemicals and ingredients in Paraguay. With Insuquim headquartered in Asuncion and operating one of the largest, independently owned GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facilities in Paraguay for performance materials and life sciences end markets, its acquisition expands both Barentz presence in Paraguay and its strong pan-South America network. “I’m delighted to welcome Insuquim to Barentz. Insuquim has demonstrated a strong commitment to innovation, customer service, and sustainable practices, which aligns seamlessly with Barentz’ core values. This acquisition not only broadens our geographical reach but also complements our existing portfolio. Insuquim brings a wealth of expertise and a strong local presence that will fortify our position as one of the leading speciality ingredient distributors in South America," shared Elzo Benzaquen, CEO of Barentz South America.

Circana Reports on Growing Consumer Interest

Circana's latest findings are offering brands insight into the opportunities that are growing out of consumer interest in holistic well being. In their report, Tapping Into the Global Consumer Well-Being Opportunity, Circana cites different influences like physical activity, social media, food, pet ownership, beauty, and books, playing a strong role in shaping consumer's interest in physical, mental, and social health. These diverse interests serve as unique opportunities for brands to connect with their wellness-focused audience. “Beyond working to make sure wellness-focused products and services are accessible and affordable, successful businesses and services will identify their audience and connect with consumers in meaningful ways. Helping consumers become the best, healthiest versions of themselves is good for business," shared Sally Lyons Wyatt, Global Executive Vice President and Chief Advisor at Circana.

Other findings in the report included:

  • Consumers prioritize physical health through food choices, exercise and quality sleep, focusing on multifunctional products and clean ingredients.
  • The pandemic heightened awareness of mental health, leading to a surge in self-help book sales and the popularity of stress-relief activities, sleep aids, cleaning supplies and mood-enhancing items, with younger generations driving trends in these areas.
  • Social and community engagement is vital for well-being, driving growth in in-person events, social media, organized sports and the arts.

A full copy of the report can be found here.

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