Delray Beach, FL—The natural products industry has once again suffered the loss of one of its members with the passing of James John Gormley (1963-2024). The "loving father and amazing friend" passed away on August 14, 2024, in Delray Beach, FL. He is survived by his children Natalia, Julian, and his children's mother, Juana Gormley. 

The industry remembers Gormley for his pioneering contributions to the field and for his passion for writing. "I met James when he was the editor of Better Nutrition," shared Heather Wainer, Publisher and Vice President of Media at WholeFoods Magazine. "I remember how impressed I was with him. He was smart, funny, and cared for all. He was well respected and one of the nicest people. It is so sad that his life was cut short at such a young age, as I am sure he had so much more to share with us. His loss is a tremendous loss for his family and our industry. He will be dearly missed." 

As the industry collectively mourns the loss, Len Monheit, Executive Director at Global Prebiotic Association, shared his early memories of Gormley: "I met James my first year in the industry. We connected when we launched NPIcenter, and his passion for getting to the story behind the story was evident right away, as was his commitment to the future of this industry as a whole. He brought an intelligence and story-telling style that was unique and refreshing. I am truly saddened by his passing. It is a big loss." 

Suzanne Shelton, The Shelton Group, shared, "James was an unwavering advocate for our industry for as long as I can remember. His contributions to educating all levels of stakeholders, from suppliers, to brands, to retailers, to consumers, has had a significant impact on all of us, and contributed to the growth of the industry. I have not quite accepted the fact that I’ll never get another email or phone call from him inviting my clients to contribute to an article he was writing, and indeed the last one we worked on together has not even been published yet. His abrupt departure from our lives leaves us with a final gift from James—check in with friends and colleagues, particularly the ones you know are coping with health challenges, and let them know you care."

Fellow author Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., CNS, shared, "James Gormley was a true health advocate and freedom fighter. I had the honor of working with him on many nutrition related features. We lost him way too soon!"

The American Herbal Products Association also mourned Gormley's passing, sharing, "Known also for his thought leadership and regulatory expertise in the natural products industry, James was a prominent advocate for health freedom. As president and senior policy advisor for Citizens for Health, James worked tirelessly in support of the freedom for all to make personal health choices. He regularly cohosted the Citizens for Health radio show and authored Health at Gunpoint: The FDA’s Silent War Against Health Freedom." Over the course of his career he also served as editor-in-chief of Vitamin Retailer and Better Nutrition.

“James has been a cornerstone voice of the natural products industry for as long as I remember,” shared AHPA President Michael McGuffin. “He will be sorely missed, and our hearts go out to his loved ones at this difficult time.”

Citizens for Health also shared a tribute, with highlights from Gormely's career as an award-winning health-and-medical journalist, editor, blogger, and author. “James was incredibly kind and funny, and passionate about preserving access to natural health options. He was a tireless advocate for Citizens for Health. James never ceased to help us pursue a broadened local and national dialogue on behalf of everyday citizens about natural health. Having known James for many years, I will forever miss him, both personally and professionally,” shared Betsy E. Lehrfeld, Secretary and Treasurer, Citizens for Health.

Fellow health advocate Scott C. Tips, Legal Columnist for WholeFoods, shared, "James was a true friend, a noble colleague at-writing-arms, and a great supporter of the National Health Federation's health-freedom work at Codex Alimentarius meetings, even to the extent of attending some of the more crucial such meetings. With his quiet confidence he tackled the thorniest of issues, impressing those around him, and certainly impressing me. I was profoundly shocked to hear of his passing as I was certain that he would outlive me. Sadly, I was wrong. And we are all the worse for it."

A funeral service was held on Sunday, August 18 at the Tillman Funeral Home in West Palm Beach, Florida. Find more details here.

The WholeFoods Magazine team worked with James Gormley often over the years, most recently when he shared his own tribute to Sally Byrd, another industry colleague who passed prematurely in July. He wrote: "I was always so impressed by her brilliant mind, her amazing grasp of industry trends and the natural health marketplace, and by how deeply she cared about the industry she helped shape. What an indescribable loss for her to be taken from this world so prematurely." 

Those words perfectly communicate how many in the industry feel right now, just a few weeks later, as we say goodbye to another industry friend.

Related: In Memoriam: Sally Byrd, ND, a "shining light in the natural products industry"

Remembering industry leaders