A smaller shrub with purple and white flowers, Nigella sativa has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Part of the Ranunculaceae family, the plant grows two to three feet high and has seed-filled fruit pods. It is grown around the world, primarily in Eastern and Southern Europe, Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. Although it is known as Nigella, it is often referred to as Black Seed, Black Cumin, Fennel Flower, Roman Coriander, and Black Caraway. When researching Nigella, it is common to see articles with the names Black Seed and Black Cumin, and both would be correct.

The areas of health that this amazing herb is used for are numerous, and honestly, you would be hard pressed to find a health condition that does not have information or feedback on the use of Nigella over time. Nigella has long documented medicinal roots, and has been referred to as a “cure all.” The Prophet Mohammed was quoted as saying, “Black Cumin is healing for all diseases except death.” The Black Cumin he was referring to is Nigella sativa. 

The seeds of the plant contain a range of minerals and vitamins, and the laundry list of possible health benefits makes it a product for consumers of all ages. Researchers reporting in Nutrients point to mounting evidence supporting the potential benefits of functional foods and nutraceuticals, noting that “black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), a highly valued nutraceutical herb with a wide array of health benefits, has attracted growing interest from health-conscious individuals, the scientific community, and pharmaceutical industries.”

The pharmacological effects and therapeutic benefits are attributed to its main bioactive component is thymoquinone (TQ), along with thymohydroquinone, thymol, carvacrol, nigellidine, nigellicine, and hederin. Researchers point to the herb’s ability to attenuate oxidative stress and inflammation, and to promote immunity, cell survival, and energy metabolism. 

It is common to see Nigella as part of a protocol in both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Both the seeds and the oil are popularly used. Besides the internal benefits, Nigella, or black seed oil, is commonly used for skin health, and can be applied as an oil or a gel.

Black seed oil is GRAS, with minimal reports of adverse effects when used in moderation. As always, one should consult with a health care professional before using the herb, and this is especially important for children as well as those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or using other medications.