No doubt about it—this book is massive, and one of the most comprehensive directories out there. The print version of this directory is compiled from our online sourcebook, which you can access If your company moves to a new location, a key contact person changes or you add new products to your offerings, you can visit the website to update your information at any time throughout the year. And that includes now. Please know that we tried hard to perfect your information, but if there is something that needs to be changed, we’re here to help—simply email us atinfo@wfcinc.comwith the subject line “2019 Source Directory” and we will get your information updated online as soon as possible.
How to use this issue: On page 2, you’ll find the Table of Contents, which offers a quick overview of everything in this directory, and where to find it. That includes where to locate alphabetical listings of Distributors, Brokers, Media Companies, Associations, Consultants/Service Companies, Manufacturers/Importers/Growers (companies that sell finished, branded products primarily to distributors and/or retailers) and Industry Suppliers (companies that offer services such as supplying raw materials, product ingredients and contract manufacturing).
Looking for a specific product category? Head to Table of Contents. Hundreds of product categories are broken into six main sections:
- Grocery
- Dietary Supplements
- Herbs
- Health and Beauty Aids (HABA)
- Manufacturing Equipment/Services
- Miscellaneous
If you know a trade name but aren’t sure who makes it, flip to the listings of Brand Names on page 183 to find the company.
To all of the advertisers who helped make this Source Directory possible, thank you. Advertisers can be identified through the bold print and logos found throughout this directory. Turn to the Ad Index on page 192 to find their advertisement.
As we have been for the past 35 years,WholeFoodsis here to help you grow your business with this resource and many others. Go (accessible from phone, tablet or desktop) to find expanded listings, including product images, company profiles, videos, white papers and sales sheets.You can also find more information on how to use the SourceBook Online
Have ideas on how we can make this even better? Email us at’d love to hear from you!