Earl Mindell’sVitamin Bible is where it all started for me in 1988. To quench my thirst for nutrition knowledge, I started reading this book, and I couldn’t put it down as every page I turned revealed something new about nutrition that I didn’t realize. I knew nothing about what vitamins were, why they were used and how they were processed by the body. This book answered those questions.
This is a basic guide to understanding deficiencies and how supplements play a role in filling in nutrient gaps on a day-to-day basis, or for acute and chronic health conditions. I read Vitamin Bible cover-to-cover many times and continued to use it for reference in the late 80's until “Googling” for more information became common.

Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss was my first real introduction to herbs and herbal medicines. Learning about ancient uses and shaman was extremely fascinating. It opened a whole new world of possibilities for me and challenged me to look at remedies and ways of healing from nature. Back to Eden is a true human-interest story of health and restoration that can be found in herbs, roots and barks.

My interest in alternative medicine was sparked by Dad’s cancer diagnosis in 1988. It was life-changing on many levels and is the reason I do what I do today. I knew I needed to be in the nutrition field to guide others down a path of good nutrition and lifelong well-being. This book brought up the human side of medicine with stories about creating quality of life, when quantity of life wasn’t going to be an option.