With so many people looking for nutrition knowledge and so many
health-transforming books being published, WholeFoods wanted to know what the experts recommend. Here, Jenna Lisa Lobos, Author of "Love Your Body, Love Your Life, 52 Tips that will Radically Change Your Health," shares the books that helped her find peace and joy.
Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss
Over a decade ago, I found myself in a dysfunctional relationship and an unfulfilling career. My body was experiencing digestive issues, I was uncomfortable in my skin and my heart was heavy. The lifestyle that I was living was fast-paced, numbers-driven and high-pressured. I spent most of my time driving to visit clients, which meant eating on the go and zero downtime. On the weekends, I would numb myself out by taking long runs (3 to 5 miles, sometimes longer), then “party” alongside the group of friends that were in my circle at that time. To say I needed a new direction and answers is an understatement! My faith in a higher power started young, when my Grandma would take me to church. Thankfully, I never lost the belief that there was something bigger than myself. When I finally hit a bottom and was ready to make changes, I would start my mornings with prayer and journaling, which would go something like this: “Dear God: Please help me find a way, please help me with the answers that I cannot see.” I believe that when asked with an open heart and sincerity, we eventually stumble across something or someone that will deliver the message that is needed. Caroline Myss and her bookSacred Contracts was my first introduction to the world of spirituality, the explanation of “archetypes” and how we can view our life from the perspective that everything that is happening to us has a deeper meaning and a higher reason. I was fascinated by her words and thoughts on how we have contracts with the people that we choose to be in our lives as well as our experience!
The Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter
Hungry for more answers after reading Sacred Contracts, I put myself in traditional therapy, in which I sat in her office every week for one year. Although this helped connect some dots, I still did not have the confidence to make a significant change. Then I was introduced to a mind/body practice called B.E.S.T. (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) founded by Dr. Ted Morter. Dr. Sue Morter, his daughter, now leads in the teachings of this practice and recently published a book titled The Energy Codes. I have now been practicing this work religiously for over 20 years. Within the first year, I left the relationship and soon after had the courage to take a leap of faith and leave the unfulfilling career. Honestly I cannot say enough about this practice; I truly owe most if not all my healing to this incredible system. In Dr. Sue’s book, she highlights the principles of B.E.S.T. and offers practical tips plus breathing exercises that can be used daily. My definition of B.E.S.T is that it brings the body to present time, so you are no longer operating unconsciously from past trauma. I have been taught through this practice that healing cannot happen in the mind, that it must be integrated within the body. This book is highly recommended for anyone who keeps repeating “negative” patterns; i.e., same relationships, cannot keep a job, chaotic lifestyle, etc.
Ask and It is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks
The work that needed to take place for me to discover the truth of who I am on the inside included a deep dive into healing my inner child, boundary setting, letting go of codependent relationships, balancing masculine/feminine energy, forgiveness work, and much more. This transformation helped to shed light on hidden gifts/talents and changed the trajectory of my life. Along the way, I have met some incredible people with great wisdom. One person, in particular, comes to mind who is wise beyond her years and became a good friend of mine. One day when talking to her about new dreams that I wished for, she introduced me to the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks and gifted me their book Ask and It is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires. It was a very special copy of the book due to the fact that it came with all of her highlighted places and notes. I love Ester and Jerry’s way of teaching about the emotional set point and how that gives us clues on what we are attracting into our lives and how we have the power to create what we want. They have a section on evaluating dreams and walk through dialogue that helps one get out of a loophole of low vibrational thoughts. For example, thoughts of fear, grief, depression, despair, powerlessness to joy, knowledge, empowerment, freedom, love, and appreciation! I keep this book at my bedside and will often open to a random page; the words are always the message needed in the moment.
All three of these books have tools that one can apply for mind/body healing. May you uncover and discover who you are, find peace and joy in what you wish for yourself and your life and have the courage to proceed in the deep desires that lay in your heart of hearts! When you are living and shining from this place you will light a little corner of the world and have a ripple effect to everyone around you! With much love! XO