Company Description
EDEN Foods is a principled 43-year independent natural food manufacturer of more than 250 authentically organic, traditional, kosher, pure and purifying foods. “Still getting the best food possible and sharing it with others.”
EDEN is the oldest natural and organic food company in North America, offering the finest food we can possibly procure from trusted sources. Shortcuts are never allowed. EDEN has a long-standing, local first, dedicated and sustainable supply network.
• No - irradiation, preservatives, toxic additives, food colorings, refined sugar, or genetically engineered experiments (GMOs).
• Full transparency—Full disclosure of ingredients and all handling.
• EDEN organic food meets and exceeds requirements for the USDA organic seal, but we do not use it because it does not reflect EDEN standards, in practice or in spirit.
• Custom cans with bisphenol-A (BPA)-free linings since April 1999 for all EDEN organic beans, chilies, and rice & beans.
• GEO-free assurance since 1993.
• Zero tolerance policy for irradiated foods since 1988.
• ALL beans ~ U.S.A. family farm organically grown.
• EDENSOY® is the highest ranked organic soy food of the 62 brands in North America through independent evaluation by the Cornucopia Institute.
• EDENSOY is the first soymilk in North America to be Verified to The Non-GMO Project standards.
• Selected the best food company in the world and the third best company overall in 2009 by The Better World Shopping Guide.
• A company-wide commitment to reduce, reuse, recycle, and criticize existing practices.
Key Markets
Market Number of Items
Organic 241
Natural 333
Specialty 266
Ethnic 185
Gourmet 333
Macrobiotic 317
Kosher 310
Non-GMO 333
Gluten Free 236
Major Offerings
• Organic Beans and Short Grain Brown Rice: U.S.A. family grown, 37 varieties in BPA-free lined cans: Plain, Seasoned, Chilies, Rice & Beans, & Refrieds, plus bulk in 108-oz cans
• Organic Dry Beans: U.S.A. family grown, in one-pound recycled and recyclable paperboard boxes, plus bulk in 25-pound bags
• EDENSOY organic soymilk: U.S. Non-GMO whole soybeans
• Organic Pasta: artisan-crafted, 25 shapes, flavors and colors, 19 whole grain
• Soba & Udon: traditionally crafted, whole grain and organic offerings
• Organic Fruit: sauces, butters, juices, concentrates
• Condiments: gomasio (sesame salt), sea vegetable, mustards and sea salt
• Grains: whole, flakes, wild rice, mochi and popcorn, plus bulk whole and flour
• Oils: unrefined and cold-pressed vegetable; organic and imported
• Organic Sauerkraut: old world crafted
• Snacks: sulfite-free dried fruit, nuts, seeds, mixes, chips and crackers
• Organic & Imported Soy Sauces: traditionally crafted and aged shoyu and tamari
• Organic Tea & Infusions: green, green and herb blends, twig, herbal, and matcha stone ground green tea powder
• Organic Tomatoes: crushed, diced, whole, pizza and spaghetti sauces, new BPA-free amber glass
• Organic & Imported Vinegars: apple cider, red wine, brown rice and ume plum; non-pasteurized offerings
• Imported Macrobiotic, Japan: sea vegetables, miso, shoyu, condiments, dried vegetables, pickles, mirin, mochi, dried mushrooms, ponzu, kuzu root starch, bonito fish flakes, snacks, gluten-free pastas; plus Canadian whole leaf dulse and dulse flakes.
• Bifa-15® Probiotic: Bifidobacteria longum with Lactobacillus acidophilus and Enterococcus faecium released live into the large intestine.
What’s New in 2011?
EDEN Amber Glass Tomatoes: 14- and 25-oz. protective amber glass jars of organic crushed tomatoes and sauces enhance EDEN’s line of shelf stable organic tomatoes. They are the first and only tomatoes in the U.S.A. offered in BPA-free amber glass, protecting flavor and nutrients from light damage.
EDEN Beans: Six new U.S.A. family organic, no-salt added offerings in 29 ounce cans—custom, bisphenol-A (BPA)-free lined cans: Black Turtle Beans, Dark Red Kidney Beans, Garbanzo (chick peas), Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, and Cannellini (large white kidney) Beans.
EDEN Dulse, Whole Leaf, Raw: soft crimson, whole leaf dulse sea vegetable, with a sparkling tangy flavor. Organic, wild, hand-harvested from Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick. Summer sun and sea breeze dried. A refreshing and nutritious snack food right out of the package. Great for salads, soups, chowders, pasta, bread and pizza, in sandwiches and stir-fries. Low sodium.
EDEN Foods 701 Tecumseh Rd. ![]() Clinton, MI 49236 Tel.: (517)456-7424 Fax: (517)456-7025 |
Published in WholeFoods Magazine, November 2011