DISCLAIMER: We are not suggesting that nutrition is a cure or treatment for any disease and especially not for the COVID-19 virus*.
What we are suggesting is that powerful nutrients are an important part of your regimen to stay healthy. It is one part of a strategic approach to dealing with these times. Dr. Schwartz would be the first to agree that there are many ways to manage your risk and the wise person will employ most of them. A strategic approach will lead to a reduction in risk and include a targeted plan to stay healthy.
- Eat a wide variety of healthy natural foods.
- Take targeted nutritional supplements based on your needs.
- Get out in the sunshine
- Drink plenty of pure water
- Practice deep breathing
- Get restful sleep
- Move
- Have a healthy mental attitude and approach to life
- Connect with your spiritual self

Because of the unprecedented nature of the current COVID-19 viral outbreak, there is renewed interest in how best to support the immune system. It is critical that you understand how best to protect yourself and to enhance your own natural immune function. You have undoubtedly heard the news and discussions of best practices to reduce exposure. Do your best to follow those recommendations.
Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and contributor(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher and editors of WholeFoods Magazine. Information in this article is intended for educational and scientific purposes only. It is not intended as medical or nutritional advice for the treatment or prevention of disease. For medical advice, consult a health care practitioner.