Denver, CO—When focusing on maintaining overall health and strengthening the immune system, it is important to consider the role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), Carl Germano, Clinical Nutritionist & VP Chief Business Development at Verdant Oasis, said in recent"The role the endocannabinoid system plays in strengthening the immune system must not be ignored, as it orchestrates numerous physiological processes to maintain immune resilience."

To help educate and inform on how the ECS relates to stress and immunity, Germano will be joined by Chris Kilham, Founder of Medicine Hunter, Inc., to discuss the topic in a free webinar titled"Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia & Immunity: The Role of the Endocannabinoid System."The webinar, taking place on May 13, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. EST, is sponsored by WholeFoods Magazine and Verdant Oasis.

This webinar will also explore:
  • What negatively impacts the immune system.
  • How to prepare for anxiety, stress, and isolation.
  • How the ECS works.
  • Why phytocannabinoid rich hemp oil matters.
  • The role of cannabis throughout history.
To register for the free webinar, go here.

Note: This information is intended for educational and scientific purposes only. It is not intended as medical or nutritional advice for the treatment or prevention of disease. For medical advice, consult a health care practitioner. 
Related: Hemp, Phytocannabinoids & The Endocannabinoid System: New Perspectives Clinically & Legally! An Interview with Carl Germano, CNS, CDN Mental Health Crisis: Stress, Anxiety, Poor Sleep & COVID