With over 20 years of experience in the dietary supplement industry, Dr. Ritz has served on CRN’s Executive Committee since 2017 and has worked for Atrium Innovations for 12 years. At Atrium, Dr. Ritz is responsible for all R&D functions, as well as all FDA and FTC-related regulatory functions related to products, product labels and marketing claims. His academic background is in nutritional immunology, studying the influence of age and nutritional status on the innate immune response to viruses, specifically influenza virus infection.
“I’m excited about the coming two years and the opportunities they present for CRN and the dietary supplement industry,” said Dr. Ritz. “Our board has just adopted a new strategic plan that will strengthen CRN’s role in developing initiatives that expand awareness of the benefits of these products and consumer access to them. I’m honored to be leading the organization at a time when there is so much interest in better nutrition and health.”
The trade association also announced its 2021 board of directors and committee chairs.
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The Board of Directors includes Duffy MacKay, CV Sciences; Tom Mondragon, Olly; Diana Morgan, Care/Of; Scott Ravech, Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes; Bruce Brown, Natreon; Jim Hamilton, OmniActive Health Technologies; and Karen Todd, Kyowa Hakko. A full list, along with a list of committee chairs, can be foundhere.For a complete list of CRN member companies, visit CRN’s website.