Natural Grocers aims to raise$100,000for Beyond Pesticides in September with in-store fundraising opportunities. All stores will donate$1for every reusable limited-edition "Organic Month Headquarters" shopping bag purchased, and customers will have the opportunity to make$1, $5 or $10 contributions.
"At Natural Grocers we don't stop at the 'Dirty Dozen'—we only sell 100% organic produce year-round because of our family's and company's dedication to improving human health, strengthening environmental health, and ensuring economic viability for future generations," saidHeather Isely, Natural Grocers Executive Vice President, in a press release. "To that end, it is critical that the elimination of synthetic pesticides extends beyond what we ingest, put on our bodies and use to clean our homes, so we are proud to team up with Beyond Pesticides in their mission to transition local parks into safer gathering areas for our communities."
September programming also includes a giveaway: Shoppers cannominatesomeone who has been an inspiration in their life by submitting a short essay. Every week in September, Natural Grocers will select three winning essays and reward ingredients for an organic meal, accompanying recipes, a Natural Grocers reusable shopping bag, and a$5Natural Grocers gift card.
Free Nutrition Education programs that focus on the benefits of eating organically also will be offered, including Meet Your Farmer. On Instagram@NaturalGrocers, store vendors will take followers on a virtual behind-the-scene look at 100% organic farm vendors who all met the rigorous regenerative and sustainable standards. The weekly takeovers will include farm tours, educational content, and produce highlights.
Learn more about events planned for the monthhere.