St. Cloud, MN — Apogee Foods, a gluten-free manufacturing company based in Dallas, TX, announced it selected ProcessPro, a mid-market enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution company, to assist in the expansion of the company.

“ProcessPro’s ERP solution is a great fit for Apogee Foods, as they are a quality-conscious brand who strives for consistency, traceability and efficiency,” stated Joe Blauert, ProcessPro general manager, in a press release. “The selection committee had prior experience with our product and team members and knew we’d be able to deliver the ERP solution needed for the company’s expansion.”

Previously using Quickbooks and Mircrosoft Excel spreadsheets to manually enter and track quality control and financial information, as a growing private label manufacturer, Apogee Foods is now required to modernize its capabilities to gain access to forecast planning and immediate data. The president of Apogee Foods, Rick Roberts, recommended ProcessPro since he had previous experience with the ERP solution.

"The ProcessPro team has worked very hard to understand our business model and provide a very intuitive system that will be the foundation for our network for years to come," Roberts stated in the release.

By utilizing the ERP solution, Apogee Foods will be better able to meet compliance issues such as industry certifications and regulations. ProcessPro’s Materials Requirement Planning (MRP), used in conjunction with the Warehouse Management System (WMS) will increase visibility into the Apogee Foods inventory processes. Any changes in research and development application can also be followed with the software as well as the capability to generate new recipes.