Bill Stewart passed away at the age of 65 on Nov. 3,

Bill Stewart

2018, in Durango, CO, after suffering from complications of ALS. He foundedReal Food Sales, a brokerage dedicated to bringing natural and organic products to food service operations throughout the country. He was an athlete, musician, had a passion for healthy living and was a true industry leader early in the game. Friends and family describe him as always having a smile on his face.

Bill was surrounded by his wife Pamela Beckedorf Stewart and his children and family at his end of life and had a great impact on those around him. With Bill’s influence, Pamela dedicated her career throughEssenza Communicationsto promoting natural and organic products, health and fitness.

Colleagues said Bill was a pioneer in the organic, clean label and non-GMO world before most of those terms were even coined. He spent 35 years in the food service industry, 25 of which were in the natural industry, and he was able to provide healthy food options to colleges, institutions, hospitals, cafeterias and restaurants across the country, caring for the health of others.

We extend our sincerest condolences to Bill’s family and friends.