Headquartered in Kearny, NJ, USA, Pharmachem is a leading global contract manufacturer and supplier of high quality specialty ingredients, and custom blends. Pharmachem provides advanced ingredient processing services to the nutrition, personal care and pet food industries.

Key Market Areas• Dietary Supplements • Nutrition • Personal Care • Pet Care
Our ingredients span the most sought-after conditions that consumers seek supplementation to support. These include: • Inflammation. • Joint wellness • Women’s health and wellness • Urinary tract and bladder wellness

For example, results of a double-blind, multi-center, placebo-controlled trial (the most scientifically validated type) published in the prestigious Journal of Rheumatology found that Celadrin, when taken orally, improved parameters of aging joints, such as mobility and pain. In this study, 64 participants between the ages of 37 to 77 were given Celadrin capsules. They were evaluated at the beginning, at 30 days and at the end of the 68-day study. Compared to those in the placebo group, participants who consumed Celadrin had more flexibility, less aches and pain and were able to walk longer distances.

Cran-Max® cranberry concentrate is the first dosage-confirmed (500 mg) cranberry product delivering relief with just one capsule per day, compared to 6-12 capsules of other conventional powdered extracts. In a published study, Cran-Max was nearly twice as effective as cranberry extract containing 36 mg of PAC. A second study, published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, has shown that the administration of Cran-Max was comparable to the commonly prescribed antibiotic, trimethoprim, for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections in older women.
Proprietary Nutritionals Inc.265 Harrison Ave., Kearny, NJ 07032 Phone: (800)526-0609, (201)246-1000 outside the U.S. Fax: (201)246-8105 dmosca@pharmachemlabs.com www.pharmachem.com Year Founded: 2000
Key PersonnelDean Mosca, President Lou Mosca, International Sales Manager
Published in WholeFoods Magazine July 2017