Kevin Langan Gillespie, 54, of Amherst, NH, passed away on September 25, 2021, after an 18-month fight against rhabdomyosarcoma. Loved ones shared the news of his passing, and celebrated his life in an obituary that fondly recalled his love of family, outdoor adventures, and the natural products industry.

Kevin graduated from Hamilton College in 1988 with a Bachelor of Arts, and in 1992 he moved to Boulder, Colorado, where he worked New Hope Natural Media as part of a team that helped grow the New Hope natural product community for seven years. He worked as a retail account manager for Delicious Living magazine, and as the Associate Publisher for the Natural Foods Merchandiser. His obituary shares that he later moved to the East Coast, working at Taste for Life, Eating Well, Mindful and Outdoor Media. He also launched his own business, Rainmaker Sales.

Kevin is survived by his wife of 22 years, Stacey, whom he met through the natural products industry, as well as his daughters, Madelyn (22) and Evelyn (16), and his extended family.

The family shared that notes of condolences may be sent to his family may be mailed to 26 Middle Street, Amherst NH 03031. A celebration of Kevin’s life will be held on Saturday November 13th from 5-9 pm in Hollis, NH . For more information please contact Paul Gillespie at: