Report: Innovation in Beverage Packaging


Publish Date: 27-Oct-10

Number of Pages: 55

Single User Price: $2520
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Synopsis: The report provides an overview of packaging innovation in the global markets for soft drinks, beer and dairy drinks.

Summary: While two years of global economic slowdown has focused beverage packaging innovation as much upon cost and materials savings as value-added and convenience, in an increasingly complex, competitive and diversified marketplace, packaging innovation remains a key factor in creating differentiation at the point of sale and determining consumer purchasing choice.

The latest update of this special report from Canadean, concentrates on key innovations in beverage packaging between 2008 and 2010, aiming to provide an easily digestible global overview of key recent trends and developments in the beverage container innovation and design.

The report is divided into five sections comprising an executive summary, a global overview of beverage consumption trends, an assessment of the key factors driving packaging innovation and an analysis of the key innovations in beverage packaging for each major packaging material and type.

  • Executive Summary – provides a short synopsis of the key report findings and conclusions
  • Beverage Market Overview - examines key developments in global soft drinks, beer and dairy markets over the last two years with an assessment of the key economic, demographic and consumer-led drivers affecting packaging demand
  • Packaging Overview – contains an assessment of packaging demand at global and regional level within each of the three core beverage categories (soft drinks, beer and dairy)
  • Drivers of Packaging Innovation – presents a brief assessment of the key factors driving innovation¬ in beverage packaging markets
  • Packaging Innovation by Pack Type – divided into five sub-sections covering metal packaging, plastics, glass, cartons and pouches, this section of the report examines some of the key innovations in beverage packaging since 2008 using case-by-case examples
  • Finally the report has an Appendix containing a full list of our product and packaging definitions

Reasons to Buy: An essential read for anyone in packaging, NPD and consumer insights
The report provides an overview of packaging innovation in the context of global soft drinks, beer and (for the first time in this 2010 edition) dairy drinks markets.

By looking at the major issues and trends driving the beverage market and its packaging supply, the report aims to show how market forces over the last two years are reshaping the current direction of packaging innovation and design.