Ian's Natural Foods, Inc. now offers a line of fruit snacks called Fruitabits. Fruit flavors include berry cherry and sour apple & cherry, both of which kids will enjoy. The product is a low-fat snack that is made from rice bits with a coating of real fruit puree. It also only contains 85 calories and is an excellent source of vitamin C. Other snacks in the Ian’s line include Organic Wheat Crackers, Organic Cheddar Crackers, Jungle Mix2Go (granola, raisins, banana chips and chocolate chips), Rodeo Mix2Go (nut-free snack mix), MegaMix (lightly salted, white cheddar, BBQ) and more.
360 Merrimack St., Bldg. 9, Ste. 320, Lawrence, MA 01843, www.iansnaturalfoods.com
Published in WholeFoods Magazine, March 2010