According to a recent report by the NPD, fruit is the second most popular food consumed in the United States today.
From First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative to Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, the conversation about healthier eating is everywhere, and the message is hitting home – especially in the kitchen.
While the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables are undeniable, there is a darker side to storing more produce in the home. It goes by the name drosophila melanogaster – which sounds a lot more ominous than it actually is. Meet the common fruit fly.
The scoop on fruit flies
Fruit flies are nothing new; in fact, they’ve been pestering mankind for centuries. Until the 18th century, scholars and scientists believed in a phenomenon called “spontaneous generation,” theorizing that fruit flies were naturally reproduced from inorganic, foul materials like dirty laundry and rotting meat. While you will certainly find plenty of fruit flies buzzing around the local dump, they can thrive almost anywhere, and even the cleanest of kitchens provides plenty of opportunities for these little guys to settle in and set up shop.
With 87% of women surveyed saying they believe a clean home is a reflection of self, it’s not difficult to understand why the appearance of fruit flies can set off alarms. However, it is important to keep in mind that fruit flies are drawn to fermentation. While they are an undeniably pesky problem, the flies are not necessarily an indicator of household cleanliness or lack thereof.
How retailers are addressing the problem
Until now, evicting fruit flies posed quite a challenge. Grocery stores were reluctant to acknowledge the issue, leaving consumers on their own to resolve the problem. As shoppers have become more informed on the dangers of chemical use in and around the home, they have become hesitant to use traditional insecticides, especially in the kitchen. This shift in consumer thinking recently inspired Whole Foods Market to get honest with customers about the downside of increased produce consumption and storage in the home. The brand now places a natural fruit fly killer in the produce department, empowering shoppers with a poison-free way to proactively eradicate fruit fly infestations before they begin.
As the consumer trend toward increased consumption of fruits and vegetables continues, so will the battle against fruit flies. It’s time for retailers to step up and offer consumers better solutions for maintaining their healthy lifestyles and happy homes.
Mat Franken is the Founder of Aunt Fannie, a consumer products brand specializing in natural household products that are simple, honest and clean.
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