My last post was earlier this year, which unfortunately is not the best example of how often to write a blog as I encourage everyone to post a new blog at least once a month, if not weekly. It also spoke about Twitter and how it’s growing by leaps and bounds. So, I decided I would start off again with an encore to that last post. You can read all my posts on the Emerging Sales Success Web site.
Since its humble beginnings in 2006, Twitter's rapid growth has resulted in an estimated user base of 200 million people. While originally created by Jack Dorsey as a tool for individuals to use an SMS service to communicate with a small group, businesses soon realized they could harness Twitter’s exceptional promotional power to increase sales, establish brand identity and connect with customers.
wired.com features a fantastic article detailing the advantages of using Twitter for starting a new business.
So, how exactly do businesses take advantage of Twitter’s promotional power?
Retail giant Starbucks posts new offers and participates in discussions of these offers with itsTwitter followers.
Dell has created several Twitter profiles, depending on the kind of deal (e.g., Dell outlets posts recent refurbished Dell computer offers).
How successful has Twitter been for Dell? From 2007-2009, Dell earned $3 million in revenue directly through Twitter!
5 Benefits of Setting up a Twitter Account for your Retail Business
As Twitter continues to grow, the Twitter community is finding new and cutting-edge uses for this powerful tool every day. Twitter‘s exceptional promotional power should be part of every business's overall social media marketing strategy. To make your retail business as profitable as possible, it’s imperative you implement a smart online marketing strategy. Social media is the future of advertising!
Frank Guzzo is a speaker and trainer and at Emerging Sales Success, a sales and marketing consulting company specializing in social media marketing and focused on creating and building solutions for regional, national and international businesses alike. The firm keeps up with trends, filters the noise and helps companies and individuals put social media to work using a balanced approach. To learn more about how you can use social media marketing or to hire Frank as a speaker for your next event, call (858) 633-7177.
Published on WholeFoods Magazine Online, August 22, 2011
NOTE: WholeFoods Magazine is a business-to-business publication. Information on this site should not be considered medical advice or a way to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. Always seek the advice of a medical professional before making lifestyle changes, including taking a dietary supplement. The opinions expressed by contributors and experts quoted in articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors of WholeFoods.