Nancy Trent is a writer and speaker, a lifelong health advocate, a globe-trotting trend watcher and the founder and president of Trent & Company, a New York-based public relations and marketing communications firm. Trent & Company has a client roster of text book case studies of products, venues, books, films and experts in healthy lifestyles spanning traditional and alternative disciplines for wellness, beauty, fitness, nutrition and the environment.
As a lifestyle publicist and trendwatcher living between SoHo and Malibu I spend more time than you might think shopping my local hardware store and I’m not the only style- and health-conscious woman who is trying to be as green as possible perusing these shops for what I need.
Health food stores started carrying beauty products because we realized that everything that goes on you goes in you, so if you are going to eat clean you have to groom clean too. I hope that since people are now realizing that they can control their environment to some extent with green hardware, this category should be available in health food stores too.
I was at the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas May 5 – 7, 2015 and can confirm the industry is reaching far beyond its expected audience. Whole foods retailers can stand to gain from offering these healthy hardwares.
Painting a different shade of green
I wish people were only buying green things but the truth is, they will buy what they think works and feel better if it’s green. Consumers vote with their dollar. If the green option works just as well as the non-green option, they will opt in.
This is huge in the paint category. For detailed antique finishes and wood painting, Real Milk Paint Co makes an easy to to use milk paint. For bigger picture products, Loop recycles unused paint and makes new fun colors out of it.
Greener earth
It’s also popular in the gardening category. International Mulch makes recycled rubber mulch for your backyard. Algreen makes it possible to garden in water. Ray Padula’s hose end products make it easier to keep your own earth green.
Staying in nature
Part of getting more natural is getting outside more. There were a number of products that keep you comfortable in the outdoors. Shelter Logic’s outdoor shelter and tents put a roof over your head, a party or car for any occasion. Well Traveled Imports makes it easy to stay warm while you are outside. Heat Storm will keep you warm with infared heaters or chilled with coolers.
Doing it yourself
DIY is trending in everything from food to fashion. It’s not just because it saves money. It’s because it’s satisfying. More people like to do things themselves, especially millennials who believe you can Google how to do anything. It doesn’t matter who is paying, the millennials are deciding. Every dollar spent by Gen Y directly influences another $3.50. HomeRight gives it versatility with DIY furniture.
Hardware isn’t always about hard things. It has a softer side, especially in the bath. Pulse Shower Heads bring the spa to any shower with easy to install showerheads. Whether it's glamping gear or artisanal axes, people want to show their sense of style. The same goes for their hardware. Luxury brands are doing well. WF
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Nancy Trent is a writer and speaker, a lifelong health advocate, a globe-trotting trend watcher and the founder and president of Trent & Company, a New York-based marketing communications firm. Trent & Company grew out of Nancy’s personal commitment to helping people live longer and healthier lives. A former journalist for New York magazine, Nancy has written seven books on healthy lifestyles, serves on the editorial boards of several magazines and travels around the world speaking at conferences and trade shows on trends in the marketplace. She is a recognized expert in PR with more than 30 years of experience creating and managing highly successful campaigns. Nancy can be reached at (212) 966-0024 or through e-mail at You may also visit
Posted 5/19/2015
NOTE: WholeFoods Magazine is a business-to-business publication. Information on this site should not be considered medical advice or a way to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. Always seek the advice of a medical professional before making lifestyle changes, including taking a dietary supplement. The opinions expressed by contributors and experts quoted in articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors of WholeFoods.