If you haven't had a chance to watch the four minute rap video narrated by Stonyfield founder and chairman Gary Hirshberg, World Environment Day might be a great day to do it. Known for his great sense of humor, innovation, and creativity, Hirshberg is a frequent industry speaker in the areas of sustainability, climate change, the profitability of green business, and organic agriculture.
Emphasizing that "You are what you eat" Just Eat Organic is an upbeat, fun to watch presentation highlighting the importance of choosing organic. Featuring a fast-moving pictorial display of many of the common health and environmental hazards which have slipped into today's food supply, Hirshberg, the Stonyfield Moms, and their kids sing along in support of family farms, whole foods, and accurate labeling … "If you love your body, love your children, love your planet ... The solution is a simple one, it's easy to understand it! Protect your family, body, and earth - Just eat organic!"
Packed full of facts about the poisons in our soil, water, air, and food supply, the importance of grass fed dairy, the environmental effects of methane gas, and more, Hirshberg concludes that “Future generations will wonder and probably say 'We have a beautiful planet, why did we throw it away?' Change is possible, consumers really have all of the power ...When we choose to buy organic we can change the whole game.”
You can view it on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCA6P9lsEfw
Simi Summer, PhD is an organic advocate, independent researcher, educator, and free lance writer. She is a strong proponent of organic consumer education and informed consumer choices.
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