Leading this year’s effort was former associate editor Sebastian Krawiec. His industry knowledge, experience and unflappable patience kept everyone on track and on schedule. This couldn’t have happened without him so thank Sebastian when you see him at the next trade show and congratulate him on his promotion to managing editor.
Now a bit about the process: Ourprint directoryis built from the foundation of our online sourcebook atNaturalProductFinder.com. That’s where your company can update its information at any time of the year if your contact info or address change or you want to modify your description. So if you don’t like what you see here, go there. If you spot any factual errors (we are only human) please let us know by emailinginfo@wfcinc.comwith the subject line “2018 Source Directory.”
TheSource Directory Indexgives a feel for the main sections of the directory and all the product categories. The front of the directory features alphabetical listings of Distributors, Brokers, Media Companies, Associations and Consultants/Service Companies.
We then listManufacturers/Importers/Growers(those that sell finished, branded products primarily to distributors and/or retailers).Industry Supplierslists those that offer raw materials, product ingredients, contract manufacturing, etc.
You can find the specific product category pages in the Table of Contents. Some 300 product categories are broken into six sections: • Grocery • Dietary Supplements • Herbs • Health and Beauty Aids (HABA) • Manufacturing Equipment/Services • Miscellaneous
If you only know trade names, we also provide listings ofBrand Names(starting on page 233) so you can identify the product’s supplier.
Thank you to our advertisers, who you can identify through the bold print and logos scattered through this directory. Turn to the Ad Index on page 248 to find their advertisement.
We hope you will find this directory a worthwhile tool for growing your business. Expanded listings including product images, company profiles, videos, white papers and sales sheets can be found in theSourceBook Onlineaccessible by smart phone, tablet or desktop. (VisitNaturalProductFinder.com/helpif you’d like a tutorial.)
We’re already working on improvements for 2019. Your suggestions are welcome.
Meanwhile, happy searching!
Laurie Petersen