Washington, D.C.—TheAmerican Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP),which represents 8,000 licensed naturopathic doctors (NDs) in the U.S.,released astatementencouraging healthcare practitioners to use intravenous Vitamin C (IVC, also known as IV Ascorbic Acid) as an adjunctive measure in the care of patients with moderate to severe cases of COVID-19.

"Naturopathic doctors are the nation's foremost experts in natural therapeutics and have extensive training in drug-nutrient and drug-herb interactions," AANP said. "Drawing from our long history of safe and effective use of intravenous Vitamin C, we urge our medical colleagues to incorporate this treatment from the naturopathic medicine toolkit immediately in an effort to save lives and reduce long-term morbidity. While we applaud the use of IVC by a small number of hospitals in the U.S., it unfortunately remains a rarely utilized intervention."

AANP noted that while there currently is no definitive, evidence-based treatment for COVID-19, IVC has been used in some Chinese hospitals. The assocation points to data published by the "Expert Group on Clinical Treatment of New Coronavirus Disease inShanghai" that details the use of IVC as effective adjunctive care of hospitalized COVID-19 patients (read the English translationhere). Patients receiving IVC, AANP shared, experienced shorter hospital stays and lower mortality, allowing greater access to intensive care resources (including ventilators) for other vulnerable patients.

In the statement, AANP sharedlinks to previous research on IVC, and said, "Intravenous Vitamin C is a generally safe (with rare, notable exceptions), cost-effective, and well-tolerated intervention even in the most critical patients when delivered based on appropriate clinical guidelines alongside existing treatments. Though further research is always warranted, time is of the essence to treat those who are in need of solutions today."

The association has additional guidance for practitioners online:COVID-19 Resources & Guidelines for NDs.The group further stressed that it "strongly advises that any individual considering the use of Vitamin C either orally or IV, consult their physician."

AANP also called on federal, state and local authorities to support the clinical use of IVC as an adjunct to current treatments offered to hospitalized patients.

Paul Anderson, ND, member of the AANP's COVID-19 Clinical Task Force and expert on intravenous use of vitamin C, said, "I have used IVC safely and effectively in both clinical and hospital practice for over 20 years. After reviewing the dosing, guidelines, and experiences of the hospitals inChina, the evidence shows that the use of IVC in hospitalized COVID-19 patients has a high probability of reducing hospital stay duration and improving outcomes."

Related: Reports: Hospitals in NY Treating Coronavirus Patients with Vitamin C Vitamin C and the Immune System: Nutritional Fortification to Support Defenses Against Viruses COVID-19 Info Center: Latest News and Updates

AANP President, Robert Kachko, ND, LAc, added, "In these unprecedented times, we must utilize all safe and effective clinical tools available to us. Extensive hospital use of intravenous Vitamin C has the potential to save many lives."