Q2: What are the effects of blue light on children’s vision?A tablet, iPhone, video game or TV may be an easy distraction for children, but to young eyes, it can be a disturbance and even a danger. Consumers, particularly children and younger generations, are glued to high tech devices 24/7, and because of this, they are being constantly exposed to blue light. Blue light has a very short wavelength, so it produces a higher amount of energy. As mentioned above, long-term exposure to the blue end of the light spectrum could cause serious long-term injury to the eyes since it penetrates all the way to the retina, damaging light-sensitive cells. This continual exposure to blue light over time is concerning many researchers who believe that the growth rate of age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration will exponentially increase over the next few generations unless consumers do more to protect their eyes early during adolescence by wearing sunglasses, turning on blue light filters on their high tech devices, having regular eye exams, and taking eye care supplements like Targeted Choice® EyeCare AREDS 2 + BLUE Vegetable Capsules that can help shield the macula from excessive blue light.

Resources:1. ARVO 2017, Yu et al. L/Zi protect photoreceptors against blue light-induced degeneration (in vivo) Functional Foods Conference, 2016, Yu et al L/Zi ameliorate photoreceptor degeneration (in vivo) 2. ARVO 2017 Juturu et al. L/Zi modulates Photo-Oxidative Retinal Damage (in vivo) 3. B.L.U.E. (20mg) (MPOD, Vis, Phys, submitted) 4. Hammond BR, Johnson MA. The age-related eye disease study (AERDS). Nutrition Reviews. 2002; 60(9): 283-288. 5. National Institutes of Health. National Eye Institute. Facts About Age-Related Macular Degeneration. https://nei.nih.gov/health/maculardegen/armd_facts