The outdoor event was limited to 50 people, but attendees were thrilled nonetheless: Dan DeMarino, Business Development Manager, Deerland Enzymes, said: "It was great to get out from behind the screen and reconnect with industry colleagues. You could hear some great conversations and see connections being made. Wonderful event and it felt like we were getting back to some level of normalcy (in a safe and considerate way).”
Russ Michelson, Global Regulatory Director, VMS, added: “If there was ever a year that we needed a close-knit group of New Jersey/New York industry experts to come together, it was 2020 after all other industry events have been canceled for the past 6+ months. The success of the industry relies on connecting with people from around the industry…In addition to reconnecting with some long-lost colleagues from my fresh-out-of-college days, it introduced me to some new faces that will become partners and collaborators for years to come! Now that people have seen the event happen, I hope for future events with an even broader network of colleagues. No lectures, no powerpoint slides, just some name tags, some clever drink names, and a handful of business cards to get the conversations going.”
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For a look at the event, check out the video put together by the organizers: