Tampa , FL—Ralf Jaeger, FISSN, CISSN, MBA, presented new data at the 2013 Natural Products Expo West that suggested rice protein is just as effective as whey protein in post-workout supplementation.
Jaeger co-authored the controlled, eight-week study to determine how a rice protein supplement (provided by Growing Natural’s Organic Rice Protein, which is made with Axiom Food’s Oryzatein) compares to whey protein in three areas: acute recovery following high-volume resistance exercise, muscle change in body composition, and changes in total body power and strength.
Twenty-four healthy, college-aged males who had strength training experience prior to the clinical trial were randomly divided into two groups. The men took whey protein isolate (48 g) or rice protein (48 g) after completing a specific training workout three times a week for eight weeks under supervision. Both supplements had the same amount of calories and protein. All the participants rated their recovery and soreness before and after the first training session; in addition, the men were measured for muscle thickness, body composition, bench press and leg press strength at baseline, one month and two months.
For the most part, the results were nearly identical, indicating that rice protein is just as effective for post-workout supplementation as whey protein. Both groups experienced positive changes in body composition, strength and power.
The researchers thereby believe that rice protein could benefit athletes who practice a natural, plant-based lifestyle or anyone who wants to avoid dairy products.
Published in WholeFoods Magazine, May 2013 (online 3/25/13)