Kennesaw, GA—A new clinical study demonstrates the effects of ProHydrolase, a proprietary protease enzyme blend from Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes, added to whey protein on post-resistance exercise aminoacidemia (very high uptake of amino acids in the blood).

TitledThe Effect of ProHydrolase® on the Amino Acid and Intramuscular Anabolic Signaling Response to Resistance Exercise in Trained Malesand published in Sports, this is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving resistance-trained males. Participants completed four sets of leg press and leg extension exercises, then consumed either 26g of whey protein alone, 26g of whey protein plus 250mg of ProHydrolase, or placebo.

The result: Compared to immediately after consumption (0 minutes), those in the ProHydrolase+whey group demonstrated significantly elevated plasma leucine levels (33% increase) at 30 minutes, , according to Deerland's announcement. Also, at 30 minutes post-consumption the ProHydrolase+whey group experienced a significant increase in BCAA plasma levels compared to those in the whey protein alone group—a difference of 33% for leucine, 32% for all BCAAs and 29% for essential amino acids. These remained elevated at 180 minutes post-ingestion.

Deerland explained:To be effective, whey (and other) protein must be cleaved into smaller particle sizes within approximately 90 minutes after ingestion, from the time it arrives at the small intestine, the location where it is digested and absorbed. After absorption, the amino acids are utilized by the muscles for building and repair. This study underscores the need to support the body’s ability to break down the peptides in whey protein into smaller particle sizes for improved digestion and absorption. This is especially beneficial for athletes, trainers or other fitness enthusiasts who consume whey protein powders daily for muscle gain and strength.

“The enzyme blend potentiates the powder’s ability to protect and improve muscle structure, especially after vigorous workouts," said Dr. John Deaton, VP of Science and Technology atDeerlandProbiotics & Enzymes. "Without ProHydolase, whey or other protein powders may not be optimally used by the body. More people are becoming active and using protein powders, whey or plant-based, in the singular attempt to feed their muscles. ProHydrolase is, without a doubt, a potent and perfect protein partner.”