Nielsen’s “How America Will Eat”report found that two-thirds of Americans say their eating habits have changed over the last five years, and three in 10 say they’re making more healthy food choices than they were a year ago; however, one-third of Americans say that they will prioritize price when it comes to what they consume over the next five years. This could be behind some other findings: 90% of households have purchased organic products, but only once per month; 86% have purchased sugar-free, but only once per month; 74% have purchased items categorized as excellent sources of protein, but they purchase these items not even once per month.
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That last option—showing customers that it's not just price that matters—is shown best by private label brands, which don't always sell for less; sometimes, they sell by virtue of being "free-from" or through other better-for-you attributes.![](
Packaged frozen and shelf-stable produce, too, have a shot at growth: They cost, Nielsen says, nearly half as much per pound as the fresh equivalent, and can be stored, allowing busy families and families in food deserts to stock up.
Price also favors fresh meats including chicken, pork, and turkey, which are cheaper sources of protein than more convenient sources like jerky and nuts.
Another big trend: products that support mental health, whether through anxiety or sleep. “Brain foods” are worth the development time, as Nielsen’s numbers show.