A press release says that KIND has unveiled the EQUALITY bot, which allows Americans to text their support for the ERA’s adoption to state senators in two minutes or fewer; throughout the month of March, Americans can text “Pass the ERA” to 50409 to sign KIND’s collective petition, which will be sent directly to participants’ state officials.
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"It has been nearly 100 years since the ERA was first introduced to Congress for gender equality to become a constitutional right," said Elle Lanning, Chief of Staff at KIND, in the release. "KIND has always used our voice to elevate kindness and empathy. In this case, our team, which is comprised mostly of women, is proud to support the ratification and adoption of the ERA. Through this program, our hope is to help solidify gender equality as a basic human right in this country, once and for all."
The release cites a study from UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, which noted that 80% of Americans mistakenly believe that men and women are guaranteed equal rights by the U.S. Constitution—but that the U.S. Constitution is one of just 28 worldwide that does not guarantee gender equality. Without the ERA, current laws protecting gender equality and social advancement can be amended or repealed at any time.