Neil Edward Levin, CCN, DANLA, is the Senior Nutrition Education Manager and a product formulator for NOW®. A board-certified clinical nutritionist who was a natural products retailer for over three decades, Neil is an international lecturer, a co-founder and longtime officer of the American Nutrition Association, and an award-winning ‘Industry Champion’. Neil is also a director of both the Mid-American Health Organization and the national Clinical Nutrition Certification Board, and is a former Technical Advisor to the Non-GMO Project.
NOTE: WholeFoods Magazine is a business-to-business publication. Information on this site should not be considered medical advice or a way to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. Always seek the advice of a medical professional before making lifestyle changes, including taking a dietary supplement. The opinions expressed by contributors and experts quoted in articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors of WholeFoods.