La Farge, WI—Organic Valleyannounced the results of its phase one life cycle assessment (LCA) designed to evaluate on-farm greenhouse gas emissions conducted by University of Wisconsin-Madison. The assessment revealed that, on average, the dairy farms of Organic Valley’s members have a smaller carbon footprint than average U.S. conventional and organic dairy overall.

“Our LCA provides evidence of our lower-than-average farm carbon footprint," said Nicole Rakobitsch, Director of Sustainability at Organic Valley. "Our company-owned facilities are powered with 100% renewable electricity, and we’re continually exploring ways to reduce the business’s impact further. Together, our farms, our business, and our supply chain will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sequester carbon.”

In light of the study, the cooperative has committed to a carbon-neutral supply chain by 2050. The cooperative is setting milestones to reach the goal, aiming to be 15% carbon neutral by 2030 and 30% by 2035.

The assessment showed that on average, Organic Valley farmers report engaging in 50% more pasture grazing than that required by the National Organic Program. In 2022, the full LCA will be completed, and Organic Valley will publish the overall impact of the cooperative’s organic milk.

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