One group of participants was instructed to follow a healthier diet for three weeks. They were advised to increase intake of vegetables (5 servings per day), fruits (2–3 per day), wholegrain cereals (3 per day), protein (lean meat, poultry, eggs, tofu, legumes; 3 per day), unsweetened dairy (3 per day), fish (3 per week), nuts and seeds (3 tablespoons per day), olive oil (2 tablespoons per day), spices (turmeric and cinnamon; 1 teaspoon most days). They also were instructed to decrease refined carbs, sugar, fatty or processed meats and soft-drinks. The second group was given no diet instruction.
The result: After three weeks, the group that switched to a healthier diet experienced significant improvement in mood, with depression scores shifting to the normal range. They also had significantly lower anxiety scores compared to subjects who had not been instructed to change their diets.